Silt build up is a problem on our stillwaters. Some silt is good for lakes allowing aerobic organisms like bloodworm to flourish. However when silt deposits get too thick they become anaerobic (deoxygenated) and lifeless.
To help manage this, the FMC are treating all our lakes with a chalk product called SILTEX. Siltex is a natural product and causes no harm to plants or animals. Siltex particles are very fine – less than 5 microns – and these perforate thick deoxygenated silt allowing aerobic microorganisms to establish and break the silt down.
Siltex takes some time to settle after being applied. We expect lakes to look milky for about a week after application and for fishing to return to normal within 2 weeks. We will apply a second treatment of Siltex in early spring and would expect to see improvements in both silt levels and the health of the fish from next season onwards.
The team from 5 Star Fisheries are with us for the week beginning Monday 31st October. We will be closing the following waters on these days:
Broadwater: Monday 31st October to Tuesday 1st November
Johnson’s: Tuesday 1st November to Wednesday 2nd November
Marsh Farm – whole complex: Wednesday 2nd November to Thursday 3rd November
Wood Lake and Bramley: Thursday 3rd November to Friday 4th November
We would not normally close our venues on consecutive days but this is the most cost effective way to organise the operation. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Broadwater Lake will be closed on the 31st October and 1st November. Members are asked not to night fish on the Sunday night into the Monday morning.
This is to allow silt management work to be undertaken.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
Johnson's Lake will be closed on Tuesday the 1st November and Wednesday the 2nd November. Members are asked not to night fish on the Monday night into the Tuesday morning.
This is so essential silt management work can be undertaken.
We apologise for any inconvenience.